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We’re exhibiting at the California Police Chief’s Association Conference on February 7-10, 2022



From February 7-10, 2022


Sacramento Convention Center: 1400 J St, Sacramento, CA 95814, USA

Come visit us at booth #340!

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Maryland Chief of Police Assocation

We’ll be exhibiting at the 2021 MCPA / MSA Professional Development Training Seminar on Oct 17-19th



From October 17th-19th


Clarion Resort Fontainebleau in Ocean City, Maryland

Come visit us at booth #75!

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Come Visit Us at ADPQ! We’re Exhibiting at their Annual Conference on September 6-7-8, 2021


About ADPQ

The Association of Police Chiefs of Quebec is a non-profit organization, incorporated under the Companies Act and has over 100 years of existence.

Their primary mission is to “Represent police officers and their partners in order to contribute to improving the security of the citizens of Quebec”.


From September 6 to 8, 2021


Leamy Lake Hilton Hotel: 3 Bd du Casino, Gatineau, QC J8Y 6X4

Come visit us at booth # 9!

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MaestroVision’s 2021 Mid-Year Company Update


First and foremost, we want to thank our essential workers and first responders in managing & putting their lives at risk during this pandemic. We couldn’t continue our work without their effort & dedication!

Also, we wish to mention that we are proud to say that we have not interrupted our services during this pandemic. We are grateful for being considered “an essential business” and allowing us to provide goods &  services, thus enabling our customers’ essential workers to conduct their missions as scheduled.

That being said, we want to share our accomplishments during this first half of the year 2021.




We are happy to announce that the following police departments have trusted us with managing their police interrogation recording and media library management as well as providing turnkey solutions for interrogation rooms.

We value their essential work and are continuously striving to provide great customer and technical support to ensure all of their procedures are optimal!




Lake Hamilton Police Department

Lake Hamilton, FL 33851








“As my department was moving into a new building, I did contact several companies for a system for our interview room. We are a small agency in a community of approximately 2000 individuals and budgeting and cost is important but customer service needs to be available as well. After speaking with the individuals from Maestrovision it was determined that this system could be designed at a price that would allow my department to move into the 21st century. During install it was surprising to me that the CEO did come and assist in the install. Any time I have contacted support someone answered and took care of the issue immediately. I would highly recommend this company.”

Michael Teague
Chief of Police
Town of Lake Hamilton Police Department


Charles County Department of Social Services

La Plata, MD 20646

We installed 2 interview recording systems at Charles County Department of Social Services.




Police de St-Eustache

We installed one (1) interrogation room and a touch screen.
The city of St-Eustache, located in Québec, has a population of 44,000 inhabitants.


Police de Repentigny

We installed one (1) interrogation room and a touch screen.
The city of Repentigny, located in Québec, has a population of 85,000 inhabitants.


Police de Deux-Montagnes

We installed one (1)  interrogation room and a touch screen.
The city of Deux-Montagnes, located in Québec, has a population of 18,000 inhabitants.


Police de Châteauguay

We installed one (1) interrogation room and a touch screen.
The city of Chateauguay, located in Québec, has a population of 46,000 inhabitants.


Police de Terrebonne

We installed two (2) interrogation rooms and a touch screen.
The city of Terrebonne, located in Québec, has a population of 116,000 inhabitants.


Régie Intermunicipale de police Richelieu-Saint-Laurent

We installed one (1) interrogation room and a touch screen.
The city of Repentigny, located in Québec, has a population of 44,000 inhabitants.


Emploi et développement Social Canada

We sold 15 portables kit for  interrogation, and our VEOTEK Media Library.

For more information about the police department levels, please visit the webpage of the Ministère de la Sécurité publique du Québec.

  • Less than 100,000 inhabitants: level 1
  • Between 100,000 and 249,999 inhabitants: level 2
  • Between 250,000 and 499,999 inhabitants: level 3
  • Between 500,000 and 999,999 inhabitants: level 4
  • 1,000,000 inhabitants and more: level 5
  • Level 6 services



Collège Ahuntsic

We installed one (1) simulation room, including our Keyserv Video, Verad and Veotek applications.


CHUM – Centre Hospitalier de l’Université de Montréal

They purchased our Verad application to record with 39 new cameras in various simulation rooms.


Thank you for trusting our recording solutions!




Sponsoring events and exhibiting at shows is one of our primary form of contact with our future customers. We provide hands-on experiences, product demonstrations and our staff is there to answer all your questions about our products & services and if needed, look at customized solutions to fit your needs. COME VISIT US at any of the following events! If you missed us, will gladly see you next year, we will keep you posted of our next participations.


International Association of Chiefs of Police
When: September 11-14, 2021
Where: Ernest N. Morial Convention Center
900 Convention Center Blvd, New Orleans, LA 70130
Booth: #3667


« The IACP Annual Conference and Expo is the largest and most important law enforcement event of the year — more than 16,000 public safety professionals come to learn new techniques, advance their knowledge and careers, and equip their department for ongoing success.  The majority of the audience is in a top or mid-level leadership role within law enforcement agencies. Approximately 1,000 attendees are from international locations.

The three tenants of conference are training, networking, and exposition hall education. There are more than 175 educational workshops offered each year on a variety of topics important to the profession. Subject-matter experts and thought-leaders present case studies, after-action reports, and engaging conversation throughout four days of programming. Network with public safety professionals and leaders in the industry. Exchange ideas and learn from colleagues around the globe.

The exposition hall features more than 600 companies showcasing products and services supporting the policing industry. Climb on helicopters, explore mobile units, try on uniforms, and speak with representatives. The hall is truly a can’t miss part of the conference with so much to see, hear, and do. »

For more information, visit:  https://www.theiacpconference.org/




National Assocation of Broadcasting Show
When: October 9-13, 2021
3150 Paradise Rd, Las Vegas, NV 89109
Booth: #N4819blank

« Each year, thousands of content professionals from all corners of the media, entertainment and technology ecosystem go to NAB Show. It’s designed for those striving to drive listeners and engage viewers in larger numbers for greater reach. And it’s imagined for those seeking to create uncommon audio and visual experiences.

No matter where you fall on the content continuum—from creation to distribution, management to monetization—this is where you’ll find a renewed path to clarity and confidence that takes your work in bold new directions. »

For more information, visit:  https://nabshow.com/2021/




National Children’s Advocacy Center
When: March 22-25, 2021
Where: www.symposium.nationalcac.org
Booth: virtual

« The National Children’s Advocacy Center (NCAC), located in Huntsville, Alabama, revolutionized the United States’ response to child sexual abuse. Since its creation in 1985, the NCAC has served as a model for the 1000+ Children’s Advocacy Centers (CACs) now operating in the United States and in more than 34 countries throughout the world, with 9 more currently in development.

Through the work of its Prevention Department, Intervention Department, MDT, Training Department and the Southern Regional Children’s Advocacy Center program, the NCAC serves as a beacon of hope for more than 10,000 child abuse victims every year. »

For more information, visit: https://symposium.nationalcac.org/registration-2021/



American Association of Electronic Reporters and Transcribers
When: June 24-25, 2021
Where: www.aaert.org
Booth: virtual

The American Association of Electronic Reporters and Transcribers provides education and certification for professionals engaged in digital reporting, transcribing, and associated roles. AAERT offers networking opportunities for its members and promotes public awareness about the value of digital reporting. Join AAERT for our first Virtual Annual Conference, two days of digital court reporting and transcription education in an interactive, visually rich and robust online learning environment. Opportunities for networking along with vendor and attendee engagement are also available.

The Annual Conference welcomes all industry professionals and offers the opportunity to network with colleagues, learn from industry experts, and interact with our sponsors.

For more information, visit: https://www.aaert.org/page/2021AAERTAnnualConference



Florida Police Chiefs Association
When: June 27-28, 2021
Where: Seminole Hard Rock Hotel
1 Seminole Way, Davie, FL 33314
Booth: #65

« The Florida Police Chiefs Association is the third largest state police chiefs association in the United States. It is composed of more than 900 of the state’s top law enforcement executives. FPCA serves municipal police departments, airport police, college and university police, and tribal police, private business and security firms, as well as federal, state and county law enforcement agencies. The FPCA has members representing every region of the state. »

For more information, visit: https://fpca.com/summer-conference/





Quebec’s Association of Police Chiefs
When: September 6-8, 2021
Where: Hôtel Hilton Lac Leamy
3 Bd du Casino, Gatineau, QC J8Y 6X4
Booth: #9-22

For more information, visit:  https://www.adpq.qc.ca/fr/devenez-exposant-au-prochain-colloque



Quebec’s Association of Courtroom Reporters
When: Octobre 6-8, 2021
Where: Delta Hotels Sherbrooke Conference Centre
2685 Rue King Ouest Sherbrooke, Quebec J1L 1C1
Booth: in the hall

For more information, visit:  http://www.agcmq.qc.ca/


We are happy to announce that we have two new employees! Heartwarming welcome to our team and wish you all the success in your careers!

We look forward to working together as a team!


  • RAMI CASSAB – VP Operations & Logistics
  • CLAUDE RIVET – Computer Technician

Look out for our next company update at the end of the year!

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VEOTEK Media Library Tutorial


1. How to perform a quick search
  1. When you first log into your account, the quick search box will appear. In order to review all recordings without performing a search, simply click the green “OK” button.
  2. To perform a quick search from within the media library, click on the binoculars with the yellow star above the recording
  3. Then, enter the keyword you’d like to search and click “OK”
2. How to perform an advanced search
  1. Click the binoculars on the bottom righthand corner
  2. Choose the field that best corresponds with what parameters you’re looking for (these fields can be customized according to your specifications)
  3. Enter a keyword in the search criteria
  4. Click the green “Search” button
3. How to edit metadata
  1. In order to edit the metadata of your recording, please click on the recording you’d like to edit and click on the notepad circled below.

2. Next, a window will open with all of the fields you can edit. Enter the text you’d like to add to the recording and click the save button (floppy disk) on the bottom lefthand corner.

4. How to edit thumbnails
  1. Enter the metadata window (instructions above)
  2. Click the button circled below (clapperboard with orange  upwards arrow)

3. This will open a window that asks you what file you’d like to upload (see below).


4. Click “upload thumbnail” and choose a .jpg or .png,

5. Click save.

5. How to reply recordings
6. How to add bookmarks

-Scroll to the place in the playback timeline that you would like to add the bookmark.

-Click the + green button on the upper lefthand corner above the “Notes” tab.

-Type in your bookmark text and click enter

7. How to export recordings
  1. Click on the “sequence” tab
  2. Click the + green button
  3. Type in the name of your recording and click enter
  4. Scroll to the place in the recording that you’d like to be your start time
  5. Click the [– blue button on the lefthand side of the title to designate your start time where the cursor is placed in the timeline
  6. Do the same for the end time using the –] blue button on the right-hand side
  7. Click the settings wheel to generate the recording
  8. Once the green downwards arrow is green, click it to download the export from your browser.
8. How to upload media files
  1. Click on the “Create Media” tab on the upper right-hand corner.
  2. Enter all of the metadata that is relevant to your recording.
  3. Click the save button on the bottom lefthand corner.

4. This will bring you to a page that asks you to upload your file.


5. Click on the file you would like to upload and then click on the green checkmark on the bottom left-hand corner to save it in the library.

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Interview Recording Kit FAQs

1. Can I get a refund if I forget to cancel my KEYSERV VIDEO recording software subscription after I’ve been billed?

You can cancel your subscription for a refund up to 5 business days after you’ve been billed. After that, we will be unable to refund you for the billed amount.

2. When does the $950 kit offer expire?

The kit offer expires on 12/31/2021.

3. How do I redeem the interview recording software after I’ve purchased the kit?

Please call 888-424-5505 and ask for technical support.

4. Do I have to pay for shipping?

Free shipping applies on all orders shipped to Canada and the United States. For other countries, shipping costs may apply.

5. What is your refund policy?

30-days MONEY BACK GUARANTEE on all kits.

If you are not satisfied with the product, you can return it and get a full refund within 30 days of the purchase date. In order to get a full refund, products must be unused, boxes must be unopened, and the product must remain in it’s original packaging.

If not, we will charge you a restocking fee as well as a refurbishing fee. These fees vary from 40-50% of the price and dependant on each product.

This policy does not apply for KEYSERV VIDEO software renewals or systems other than kits purchased directly on www.maestrovision.com.

6. What is your returns/replacements policy?

Shipping is not covered by MaestroVision for any returns. Only for damaged product replacements.

If an item is damaged or not functioning properly, we will gladly replace it with a new one.

7. Do I need to prepare the interview room before installing the kit?

An operational 120V 15A electrical outlet should be installed in the ceiling in order to properly power the USB cameras.

An opening of 1.5 inches should be drilled into any cement walls blocking the cable passage from the interview room to the control room.


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Video Recording Software Tutorial

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How to Install Your Interview Recording Kit

Written instructions for the installation of your interview room

Your package includes:

  • (1) Varifocal USB Camera
  • (1) Wide-angle USB camera
  • (2) Camera holders
  • (1) MX395 Shure Microphone
  • (2) USB extender
  • (1) PoE power adaptor
  • (2) PoE to 5 volts adaptors
  • (1) RJ45 Splitter
  • (1) XENYX 802USB Mixer
  • (3) USB cables
  • (3) 50 feet Cat5 Cables
  • (1) 50 feet XLR Cable
  • (6) 17’’ Cord cover
  • (1) Thumbnail key with software


  1. Install your cameras on the walls around six feet high. The wide-angle camera should be installed on the corner to cover the whole room. The center of the camera holder should be installed 2 inches from the corner.
  2. The varifocal camera should be installed to have a clear zoom in view of the interviewee.
  3. Run the USB cables of both cameras inside the ceiling.
  4. Cover the cables from the cameras to the ceiling using cable with cord covers that is provided.
  5. Connect the PoE cable (Black Cat5) to the RJ45 splitter.
  6. Connect both other ends of the RJ45 splitter to both PoE to 5 volts adaptors.
  7. Connect the 5v connector end of the PoE adapters to each USB2.0 extender (RX)
  8. Connect the camera to one of the four outputs of the USB2.0 extender (RX)
  9. You need one USB2.0 extender (RX) per camera, even if there are four outputs.
  10. Connect Cat5 cables (white and blue) between each USB2.0 extender (RX) in the ceiling to each USB2.0 extender (TX) in your control room.
  11. Install the MX395 microphone in the ceiling over the table in the interview room.
  12. Run a XLR3 audio cable between the microphone and the audio mixer in the control room.
  13. Connect both USB2.0 extender (TX) to your laptop.
  14. Connect the USB port of the audio mixer to your laptop.
  15. Install the KeyServ Video Software provided in the USB thumbnail.
  16. Once installed, click on the configuration menu, select your USB mixer as audio input, and select both cameras as video inputs.
  17. Click OK and you are ready to record.
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How to Cancel Your Subscriptions

Step 1: Click on the account icon in upper right corner.


Step 2: This will pull up an overview of your account page, click on the “Subscriptions” button in the toolbar.


Step 3: Click the “View” button next to the subscription you’d like to cancel.


Step 4: Click the “Cancel” button.



That’s it! You will receive a confirmation email within an hour after you cancel.

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Florida Police Chief Association Logo

We’re Exhibiting at the Florida Police Chief’s Association Summer Conference (June 27-29, 2021)


The Florida Police Chiefs Association is the third largest state police chiefs association in the United States. It is composed of more than 900 of the state’s top law enforcement executives. FPCA serves municipal police departments, airport police, college and university police, and tribal police, private business and security firms, as well as federal, state and county law enforcement agencies. The FPCA has members representing every region of the state.


June 27-29, 2021

Come visit us at booth #65!

Visit  https://fpca.com/summer-conference/ for more information.

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