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MaestroVision’s Clear Audio Certification

When evaluating a professional recording product, we tend to focus more on video specifications, however, audio is much more important when looking for a perfect recording.

When evaluating a professional recording product, we tend to focus more on video specifications, however, audio is much more important when looking for a perfect recording.

Either interview recording, courtroom recording, council meeting recording or classroom recording it is nice to view the person who’s talking, but in the end, what is more important is to clearly hear the conversation without desynchronized audio & video and background noise.

For that purpose, MaestroVision’s broadcast engineers adopted a “Clear Audio Certification” utilizing the following steps…


1. Utilizing a balanced audio cable in our recording systems

To properly capture the human voice, it is important to obtain all the bandwidth frequencies that are emitted by the person’s voice to better understand how frequency bandwidth affects the quality of the audio. For example, take an interview done by a radio presenter, there is a significant difference in the sound quality if the interviewee is in the studio versus over the phone. The audio bandwidth of a phone is significantly lower than a microphone, creating that difference. You may notice sometimes that you have difficulties recognizing someone over the phone. This is created by the low audio bandwidth of a phone line.

Balanced audio cable
Unbalanced audio Cable

It’s important to understand that an audio cable acts as an antenna. Our environment is invaded by electromagnetic frequencies coming from power supplies, transformers, neon lights and so on, that are induced into the audio wires, producing a background noise as can be seen on figure 3. This noise negatively impacts the bandwidth of the audio signal and makes a poor audio recording.

Figure 3. Unbalanced audio signal

In the case of balanced audio, instead of having a single wire to drive the audio, there are two. The audio signal is transmitted on two wires, which have a phase shift of 180 degrees between them. The two wires are “twisted” together to ensure that the same noise will be induced in both wires at the same time.

Figure 4. Balanced audio signal

In figure 5, we have represented noises by small waves for explanation purposes. Note that the small waves are in phase for both A+ and A- sides while the audio signals are out of phase relative to each other.

Figure 5. Example of balanced audio signal with noise

What happens when we subtract the signal (+ A) and the signal (- A)? Concerning the audio signal, subtracting one signal from another corresponds to adding them if we shift (-A) signal of 180 degrees. Therefore (+A) – (-A), becomes (+A) + (+A) which results in an increased double A signal, as shown in figure 6. In regards to the noise signals, given that both signals are absolutely identical when you do the subtraction between the two, they cancel out one another completely.

Figure 6. Result when we subtract: (+A) - (-A)

The result is a perfectly clean audio signal, destitute of any electromagnetic induction.

Figure 7 - Result when we subtract: (+A) - (-A)

It is essential to have an audio signal without induced noise. Since noises mainly affect high frequencies, a reduction in the high frequencies will make it difficult to distinguish between the “S” and “F”. This will make virtually incomprehensible records where the suspect does not speak well.
Another consideration is the difference in amplitude signals between balanced and unbalanced cables. The amplitude of a balanced signal is 4 volts while the amplitude of an unbalanced signal is 1 volt. The loss in amplitude in an audio cable is in volt per length. In a twenty-foot cable, the loss averages .5 volts. At the end of a twenty-foot balanced audio cable, you will lose .5 volts on 4 volts; equaling a loss of 12.5 %. The loss of an unbalanced audio cable is .5 volts on 1 volt which is a loss of 50%.

MaestroVision uses a balanced audio cable in all of our recording solutions so you can ensure your audio signal is always clear and free of induced noise.

2. Implementing ASIO technology

It is important to provide multi track recording of audio in order to isolate individual audio tracks. However, multitrack audio recording has its challenges. Apple is a preferred platform for music specialists because it offers synchronized multitrack recording. It is possible to record multitrack with a PC, but it consists of multiple stereo tracks that are not synchronized with each other. The desynchronization between audio tracks is not perceptible if each track is totally isolated with one another. But in a courtroom, where a microphone records the person talking on the microphone beside the other, the small amount of audio recorded will create an echo while playing back.

There is a technology that provides a solution to make all audio channels perfectly synchronized on a PC called ASIO. ASIO, Audio Stream Input/Output (ASIO) is a computer sound card driver protocol for digital audio specified by Steinberg, providing a low-latency and high fidelity interface between a software application and a computer’s sound card.
ASIO bypasses the normal audio path from a software application through layers of intermediary Windows operating system software. That application connects directly to the sound card hardware. Each layer that is bypassed means a reduction in latency (the delay between an application sending audio information and it being reproduced by the sound card, or input signals from the sound card being available to the application). In this way, ASIO offers a relatively simple way of accessing multiple audio inputs and outputs independently and perfectly synchronized.


MaestroVision’s KEYSERV AUDIO recording application has been certified with ASIO technology to allow synchronized multitrack recording.

MaestroVision’s implementation of balanced audio cables and ASIO technology has allowed us to offer a one-of-a-kind solution that is unrivaled by other recording providers on the market.

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On-Premises vs. Cloud Storage: Which Method is Best for Storing Interview Recordings?

We compare the two storage solutions with their pros and cons in order to determine which solution is best for you, On-Premises or Cloud Storage.

Which Method is Best for Your Interview Recordings?


This is a question that IT administrators need to address. Cloud storage is becoming the norm, but is it really the best solution for law enforcement? Let us compare both solutions with their pros and cons in order to determine which solution is best for you.

To start, there are no differences, software and application-wise, between an on-premises and cloud-based solution. Both solutions offer the same metadata information, the same media files compatibility, the same annotation features, and the same security characteristics. So, what is the difference between the two? Cost-wise, based on a five-year period, both solutions are very similar. The on-premises solution will cost more to start, but after five years, the cloud solution will become more expensive.


On-Premises Video Library


An on-premises video library is an application installed at your location. It involves your computers and hardware storage. Normally, your Information Technology specialist (IT) will install a “Virtual Server” on your existing hardware including an SQL application and video library application. Subsequently, if your IT specialist configures the library correctly, it becomes a corporate cloud application. Cost-wise, normally on-premises applications are purchased and owned, with ongoing annual fees for updates and maintenance.

The Pros

The pros mainly concern security. Many law enforcement entities are reluctant to have sensitive information outside of their physical control. Cloud applications are secure, but there are ongoing fees to consider. In the long term, an in-house facility is less expensive.

The Cons

The short term is more expensive as all hardware and software needs to be procured as well as ongoing maintenance costs. Finally, there is a question of Internet access. If you always access the library from your internal Ethernet network, all is good. But if you require investigators to access the database from outside your internal network, the Internet connection will need updating to a much higher upload speed, to allow many users access to the video library at the same time.

Cloud Video Library


The cloud has the same features as an on-premises installation except the application is based outside your locations in a “Data Center”. The Data Center is not your provider, it is a service purchased by your provider. Your provider rents rack space in the Data Center where the hardware is installed. The provider also rents a huge upload Internet connection allowing them to service many customers at the same time. The benefits of the Data Center are the enormous pipeline of data it can provide, and the high levels of security to access the environment.

The cloud service is generally offered on a monthly payment program. Naturally, the provider will require a signed contract and will charge for configuration and installation.

The Pros

Short term it is less expensive, as there is no need to purchase equipment and staff-time to implement the solution. The connection to the library will be much faster and accessible worldwide by many users simultaneously.

The Cons

The solution will cost more on a long-term basis. Even though the solution is very safe, there is a security issue perception, due to the fact that people other than your own staff are in charge of the hardware.

Did you know our VEOTEK Media Library offers both on-premise and cloud-based storage options?

Complete the form below to sign up for a demo today!

Error: Contact form not found.

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Come see us at Québec’s Aboriginal Chiefs of Police 13th Annual Meeting! We are exhibiting from June 14 to 16, 2022 in Québec City.


About the conference of the Association of Native Police Directors of Quebec

The 13th Annual meeting of Québec’s Aboriginal Chiefs of Police will take place from June 14th to 16th at the DoubleTree by Hilton Québec Resort in Québec city.

At this event, police officers who have reached 15, 20, 30 or 40 years of service are honored for their dedication to Indigenous communities during a medal ceremony.


June 14 to 16, 2022


DoubleTree by Hilton Québec Resort 
7900, Marigot street
Québec (Québec)  G1G 6T8
Phone : 418 627-8008



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The Pell City Police Department, in Alabama, has acquired our technology.

The Pell City Police Department, in Alabama,  furnishes their interview room with MaestroVision’s technology, including our Recording System and Video Library.


In a constant effort to improve its productivity, the Pell City Police Department has just acquired a filmed interview room solution including MaestroVision’s Interview Recording System (KEYSERV), the Video Library (VEOTEK)  and a custom-designed desk to fit ergonomically all the recording equipment.

MaestroVision’s complete solutions provide all you need to manage your evidence. From recording, cataloguing, storing, indexing and retrieval of all digital evidence available.

MaestroVision’s solutions will help the Pell City Police Department in fulfilling their mission, as they are “committed to the delivery of courteous, professional law enforcement and community services to the citizens of Pell City and providing professional police service, while maintaining our small town values and atmosphere.”

Pell City Police Department
1905 1st Ave N, Pell City, AL 35125, United States  

Recording Workstation


Interview Room

The investment in this new technology, designed and manufactured by MaestroVision, offers the possibility of indexing all notes with interrogations. This feature makes it possible to find and quickly review a specific moment in an interrogation, hence saving valuable time to the investigators. Moreover, this system is of a disconcerting simplicity. It is no longer necessary for an investigator to use the services of a technician to use the system.

For more information about our solutions, call us at 1-888-424-5505.

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blog_balanced_unbalanced audio

What’s the difference between balanced and unbalanced audio?

Audio is more important than video. An interview is more about what the person says rather than their behavior in the interview room. For this reason, it is crucial that we put particular emphasis on the audio process.

Audio is more important than video. An interview is more about what the person says rather than their behavior in the interview room. For this reason, it is crucial that we put particular emphasis on the audio process. This article will delve into the definition of balanced and unbalanced audio.


Balanced audio vs Unbalanced audio

To properly capture the human voice, it is important to obtain all the bandwidth frequencies that are emitted by the person’s voice. For this reason, it is imperative that all audio components, wirings and connections are in a balanced form and not unbalanced.

Balanced audio cable
Unbalanced audio Cable

It is important to understand that an audio cable acts as an antenna. Our environment is invaded by electromagnetic frequencies coming from power supplies, transformers, neon lights and so on, that are induced into the audio wires, producing a background noise as can be seen on figure 16.

Unbalanced audio signal

In the case of balanced audio, instead of having a single wire to drive the audio, there are two. The audio signal is transmitted on two wires, which have a phase shift of 180 degrees between them. The two wires are “twisted” together to ensure that the same noise will be induced in both wires at the same time.

Balanced audio signal

In the next image, we have represented noises by small waves for explanation purposes. Note that the small waves are in phase for both A+ and A- sides while the audio signals are out of phase relative to each other.

Example of balanced audio signal with noise

What happens when we subtract the signal (+ A) and the signal (- A)? Concerning the audio signal, subtracting one signal from another, corresponds to adding them if we shift (-A) signal of 180 degrees. Therefore (+A) – (-A), becomes (+A) + (+A) which results in an increase double A signal, as shown in figure
19. In regards to the noise signal, given that both signals are absolutely identical when you do the subtraction between the two, they cancel out one another completely.

Result when we subtract: (+A) - (-A)

The result is a perfectly clean audio signal, destitute of any electromagnetic induction.

Result when we subtract: (+A) - (-A)

It is essential to have an audio signal without induced noise. Since noises mainly affect high frequencies, a reduction in the high frequencies will make it difficult to distinguish between the “S” and “F”. This will make virtually incomprehensible records where the suspect does not speak well.

Another consideration is the difference in amplitude signals between balanced and unbalanced cables. The amplitude of a balanced signal is 4 volts while the amplitude of an unbalanced signal is 1 volt. The loss in amplitude in an audio cable is in volt per length. In a twenty-foot cable, the loss averages .5 volt. At the end of a twenty-foot balanced audio cable, you will lose .5 volt on 4 volts that is a loss of 12.5 % while the loss of an unbalanced audio cable is .5 volt on 1 volt which is a loss of 50%.

Have any questions regarding balanced or unbalanced audio? Shoot us an email at info@maestrovision.com.

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Webinar: How to Upgrade Your Interview Room – Watch the Replay


MaestroVision’s CEO, Claude Turcotte has over 20 years of experience installing hundreds of interview recording systems for police departments and child advocacy centers in the US & Canada. He’s used his audio/video and broadcasting expertise to create this insightful (unbiased) presentation which will help you find the right interview recording system for your facility including:

1. How to select your equipment
2, What features to look for in your recording software
3. What security features are a must for protecting your recordings
4. What minimum capabilities should be required when submitting a bid for an interview room
5. How to detail the room to ensure optimal sound and video quality, and more!

(Useful for Police, Detectives, Investigators, Child Advocacy Centers, Victim Service Nonprofits, and more!)



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workflow improvement

How to Optimize Your Workflow in Three Steps

Check out our presentation on the topic!



Workflow – it’s not a fun topic to address within your organization, but it’s more necessary than most business owners realize! According to process.st, Only 4% of companies measure, manage and document their processes. If you’re not consistently analyzing and identifying ways to improve your internal workflow, you may experience employee dissatisfaction, leading to high turnover, in turn decreasing productivity and causing more problems.


In this article, we’ll cover:

  • What exactly is workflow?
  • Why is workflow improvement important in today’s world?
  • What steps to follow when improving your workflow.


Before beginning to optimize your workflow, it’s important that you understand what workflow is and is not. Workflow not software or specific technology. Workflow is not a way of moving files or managing. Workflow isn’t an asset manager or file transfer protocol, it’s not a cabling diagram. Workflow is not only a concern of high-level management but affects all levels of an organization.  It’s not even specific to the broadcast industry, it’s been used for over 50 years by various industries.


Workflow analysis is about streamlining the way we work. It’s is about information and identifying how it flows between actors. It’s about knowing your business’ needs and solving bottlenecks to save time, money and resources. According to Frevvo,Workflow analysis is the process of examining your business workflows to identify trends and improve workflow efficiency. In turn, this improves employees engagement, customer satisfaction and the competitiveness of the business itself.”


Several indications that it’s time for your company to undergo a workflow analysis include:

  • Employee burnout or frustration with workload or processes
  • Internal communication gaps within the company (one department is aware of a new procedure or change while the other isn’t)
  • Workload inefficiencies – work isn’t completed on time or employees are constantly working overtime to complete projects
  • Processes that should take short amounts of time are taking days or weeks to be completed
  • And more….


So why do businesses undergo this rigorous process of investing time and energy into improving their current operations? It’s simple – to save time, money, and resources, increase efficiency and productivity, and increase results. All leading to better return on investment and generating more added value.

There are three phases to workflow optimization.


The first phase: Establishing goals.

establish goals


Talk with the management and ask about their goals. Are their goals to save money, grow the workforce and avoid organizational inertia, or to reduce the workforce while still maintaining the same workload? Are there new projects that need to be worked on but no additional resources?


Ensure their goals are SMART.



Bad example: I want our production team to increase their unit output greatly.

Good example: I want our production team to produce 15 more units per week.



The best way to ensure you’re measuring your goals is to measure your key performance indicators and understand which indicators will signify that you’ve met your goal. Choosing the correct KPI is also extremely important to avoid inducing unwanted deviant behavior in middle management and employees.



Speak with your employees about your expectations and goals before setting them to ensure they’re realistic.



Ensure your goal is relevant in that it will assist with process or workflow improvement in your organization. If you assign an unrelated goal that puts even more stress and work on your employees without a plan to improve processes, then it will lead to further internal dissatisfaction and chaos.



Establish a date that you’d like to see that goal met. You may find that after the analysis phase, the timeframe is unrealistic and needs to be adjusted as an optimization timeline is built.


The second phase: Analyzing the situation



Begin your analysis by talking with people involved in your organization. Do not only use a questionnaire. Take copies of existing documentation that explains each employee’s current job responsibilities and get their feedback. Are any responsibilities missing from their job description? When the organization is using competency profiles, are those realistic and up to date? How do they go about getting these tasks done and why?

Oftentimes, there’s a disconnect between what managers think their employees do and what they actually do.


For example, MaestroVision once provided a workflow analysis for a company where employees were extracting information and sending it to a coworker who was formatting a document a report and sending that report to a third email address. That third email address belonged to someone who had taken their retirement two years before.


If you take this example out of context, you may wonder why the employee wasted their time sending that email to someone who was retired. He was sending it because no one told him that the employee was no longer working for the company. This lack of communication indicated a clear break in the communication flow.


So how do you go about identifying bottlenecks and other workflow issues in your organization?


Developing a process map is a great way to illustrate how your current operations are running. It then allows you to identify bottlenecks and inefficiencies.


A few important criteria to consider when conducting your analysis include:

  • How is information communicated across your company?
    • Email
    • Shared drive
    • Meetings
    • Spreadsheets
    • Printed reports
  • Who is in charge of what tasks?
  • If certain tasks or projects require cross-department or collaborative efforts, how are these conducted?
  • How do your employees manage their tasks and duties? How do they keep track of what they have to do and when?
  • What are your employee’s thoughts on the current way they’ve been trained to complete tasks? Do they have suggestions for making their jobs easier and saving time getting tasks done without compromising company standards?


The third phase: Proposing and implementing improvements.



The best group to present your findings to first are the workers. By presenting your findings to the workers first, you can validate your findings. The workers will be able to point out mistakes that you did so you can correct them and make sure that your understanding of how they currently work is accurate.

Next, do a presentation for management. It’s important to ensure that they share your views and from there, establish a timeline for making your proposed changes/action items. These action items may include (but are not limited to): additional training for employees; new processes or procedures involving project or work management, changes in work distribution or delegation; developing manuals or checklists that are shared internally to ensure company standards are met; obtaining new software to solve inefficiencies or miscommunication; automating a task that is time-consuming and tedious for employees who have more important work to be done, and more.

Before moving on to developing a plan, it’s important that you ensure you have the resources (budget for new software; time for training, etc) to implement the changes you’d like to. If you’ve verified that you have the proper resources, you can build your project plan. Begin by determining an action item dedicated to fixing a weakness that was identified during the analysis phase. In your new project plan, action items should be listed in order; first listing the actions which can be implemented immediately, then listing the ones that will need to be slowly phased into the company’s processes over time.

Before rolling out an entirely new set of processes, it’s important to test your larger-scale changes with a small sample group. Run several tests to check for consistency in results and identify issues that may arise during these new processes. Next, collect feedback from your sample group to determine whether further improvements can be made. After you’ve completed the testing phase, you can move on to the monitoring and optimizing phase. During this phase, it’s important that you test the results of the new process against the goals you determined in the first phase. Continually track and optimize your processes to ensure you’re exceeding KPIs or benchmarks and that your improvements are making a positive difference in the company.



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analyzing a business

NousTV’s New and Improved Workflow Saves Them Time, Money and Resources

Learn how NousTV’s ssaved time, money and resources thanks to MaestroVision’s Automation Tools and Expertise. Once MaestroVision’s new workflow initiatives were implemented, NousTV received various benefits.

The Customer

Patrick Dube and Maxime Noel
Technical Specialists at NousTV

Customer: NousTV
Industry: Broadcasting
Solution: Analysis and Workflow Management / Integrated Management System
Website: https://nous.tv/


The Challenge

  • NousTV was using 12 VTR tape decks that they had to manually operate throughout the day. It made their operations tedious and cumbersome.
  • Their broadcast equipment was dispersed among 15 tv stations throughout Quebec. It made it difficult to operate and support the systems in a consistent and efficient manner. In other words, they were manually broadcasting for each of their networks.
  • The managerial staff was creating playlists for tv guides and CRTC reports using an excel spreadsheet. These reports took numerous hours to generate each week.
  • They had operational challenges to sort out due to members of the staff going on retirement that performed functions that were integral to the workflow and difficult to replicate with new staff.

The Solution

MaestroVision implemented its improved workflow to NousTV through several initiatives:

  • Moving from a VTR to a tapeless/file-based workflow and playout – upgrading to SDI video servers, introducing a media asset manager to store and manage files, and adding a traffic console to export the workflow to scheduling.
  • Centralizing all servers and equipment to their Trois-Riveres location so they are stored in a controlled environment (single data center).
  • Obtaining a traffic system and MAM to automate their reports – instead of manually generating playlists and compliance reports, a traffic system allowed NousTV to export various file formats to send to the cable company (for the tv guide, website, etc.) and a new MAM to export and format their asrunlogs; thereby demonstrating CRTC compliance.

The Results

Once MaestroVision’s new workflow initiatives were implemented, NousTV received various benefits including:

  • Workforce efficiencies – NousTV was able to address the workforce shortage issue they were facing by scaling back the number of needed employees from 10 operators to just 3 once all of their equipment was centralized. Time was saved performing maintenance and repairs when the broadcast engineers didn’t have to travel from station to station.
  • Time saved- the time spent manually generating reports is now put to better use like how to improve their on-air image and ensure the station is in compliance with the CRTC.
  • Consistency – each station was visited, surveyed, analyzed in order to provide a new, unified workflow that would reduce bottlenecks and increase communication between stations.

Contact Us

Want our workflow specialists to analyze and improve your operations?

Provide your information below and we’ll contact you!

    You can also email us at info@maestrovision.com

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    New Interview Recording Customer: Domestic Violence Crisis Center

    MaestroVision has installed an interview recording system at the Domestic Violence Crisis Center in North Dakota.



    About the Domestic Violence Crisis Center

    Since 1977, the Domestic Violence Crisis Center has provided Emergency housing for victims of domestic violence. They currently have eight transitional living apartments that are income based for survivors to begin their new lives working with a case manager to set goals and grow their sense of self and wellbeing until permanent housing comes available.

    They offer crisis intervention and emotional support to any survivor of domestic violence, sexual assault, human trafficking, or stalking. They have support groups for adult survivors as well as a children’s support group for children who have witnessed or experienced violence in their home. All their services are free and confidential.


    MaestroVision uses top-of-the-line recording equipment and stands by its work. The communication and customer service are exceptional. This company listens to the needs of the customer and works to fulfill those needs as completely as possible.” – Tara Bjornson (Assistant Director at DVCC).




    MaestroVision Offers Software Discounts to Non-Profits

    Through MaestroVision’s partnership with Project Beloved, we were able to offer the DVCC 50% off our interview recording software. We offer this special discount for all 501c3s. In addition, any organization that purchases a system after submitting a contact form on this article or our soft interview room tips collaboration will have a portion of MaestroVision’s proceeds donated to support Project Beloved’s mission to educate, advocate, and collaborate to change the conversation about sexual assault and empower survivors to find their voices.

    The DVCC’s new HD-SDI interview system includes:

    • touchscreen monitor
    • evidence management system
    • interview recording software application
    • And all equipment

    Are you a 501c3 organization?

    Contact us today for a demo and we’ll offer 50% off our interview recording software and a donation to Project Beloved after your new system is installed.

      Reason for reaching outI’m a 501c3 non-profit interested in your systems.Project Beloved has installed a soft interview room at my organization.Other

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      Come Visit Us at ADPQ! We’re Exhibiting at their 23rd Annual Conference from May 31 to June 2, 2022 at booth #67.


      About ADPQ

      The Association of Police Chiefs of Quebec is a non-profit organization, incorporated under the Companies Act and has over 100 years of existence.

      Their primary mission is to “Represent police officers and their partners in order to contribute to improving the security of the citizens of Quebec”.


      From May 31 to June 2, 2022


      Hôtel Universel at Rivière-du-Loup

      311 boul de l’Hôtel-de-Ville, Rivière-du-Loup, QC G5R 5S4

      Come visit us at booth # 67!


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