
Police Interview Recording Case Study

Case Study: Lantana PD’s Interrogation Room Upgrade

MaestroVision’s Interview Room Recording System has all of the bells and whistles we need to generate the evidence necessary to move forward in a case.

How Lantana PD Gained Time, Efficiency & Quality with Their New MaestroVision Interview Recording System

The Customer

“MaestroVision’s Interview Room Recording System has all of the bells and whistles we need to generate the evidence necessary to move forward in a case.”

Customer: Lantana Police Department
Address: 901 N 8th St, Lantana, FL 33462
Number of officers using MaestroVision’s Recording System: 10
Name: Jim Eddy
Position: Detective Sergeant

Lantana Police Department

The Challenge

Lantana PD was tired of running into the same problems every time they conducted an interview recording, including:

Difficulties with Operation and Reliability – The department wired their own interview recording system equipped with a camera, a DVR and a microphone. The system was complicated to use and set up – requiring many switches and buttons to be turned off before all devices could record. When other officers came in to use it, they didn’t know how to start recordings. There was no backup system so recordings were lost if not configured correctly.

Poor Quality Recordings – Lantana’s old system had poor sound and several blind spots in the room. If a suspect got up out of the chair, the camera would miss what he/she was doing.

Time Consuming Procedures – The old system did not store videos of the recordings, so it had to be placed into evidence. If an officer needed a copy of his/her video, they would have to request Jim to log it out of the evidence room (since he and the Chief were the only officers with access to it), burn a copy of it, and return it to the evidence room. If Jim was out of the office, the other officers had to wait until he was back to retrieve their recordings.

The Solution

They Decided to Make the Switch to a Robust Solution:

1 interview room system complete with a dome camera, a PTZ camera and controller, a USB camera, the VEOTEK Video Library, KEYSERV Recording System, a DVD burner, an equalizer, an audio mixer, an audio to SDI embedder, desktop speakers, an encoder card, a desktop, a touchscreen monitor, furniture.

Lantana Police Department’s Interrogation Room System
Lantana Police Department’s Interrogation Room System
Lantana Police Department’s Interrogation Room System

“I would spend 30 to 45 minutes pulling a video and making a copy before. Now, with MaestroVision’s system, I can do it in about 5 minutes.” – Jim Eddy

The Results

With MaestroVision’s Interview Recording System, Lantana PD is Enjoying the Following Benefits:

Ease of Use – With the friendly user interface, officers no longer have problems setting up, operating and managing their recordings in the interview room.

Ability to Record and Identify Critical Information – With the camera’s zoom feature, detectives can capture relevant information on suspect’s devices that they wouldn’t be able to make out otherwise. With the pan and tilt feature, the camera can track subjects as they move around the interview room.

Flexible and Multifunctional – The touchscreen (an optional add-on to the system) offers another way to conduct interviews and map out information relevant to the case. Officers can record and draw suspect’s locations and routes with Google maps and can conduct their own (recorded) interviews via skype.

Reliable and Trustworthy – MaestroVision provides outstanding customer service that is responsive, quick and convenient at any time of the day.

Efficient and Secure – Officers can store all recordings in one convenient location and locate specific interviews through keyword search. They can burn recording copies within minutes. Jim and the Chief can set up security protocols so other officers can be given authorization to certain recordings while others stay private.

“MaestroVision always responds to us promptly. Their customer service is outstanding.” – Jim Eddy

Contact Us

Want to reap the benefits of MaestroVision’s interview recording system at your station?

Provide your information below and we’ll contact you!

    You can also email us at

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    MaestroVision’s Technology Supports Government during COVID-19.

    While our lives have drastically changed during this health crisis, MaestroVision, considered an essential service to many industries, has been proactively seeking to bring new features much needed in these new communication times.

    Before: Our recording was only available directly from the main source, the courtroom, the classroom, the city council room, etc.

    Now: Our recording is available from multiple sources, including remote locations.




    Regarding last week’s TVA Nouvelles article on VIRTUAL TRIALS in times of crisis, judicial authorities are preparing to open dozens of virtual courtrooms to hold hearings in virtual environments, from remote locations rather than in courthouses, during the COVID-19 pandemic.

    MaestroVision, currently providing advanced recording, streaming and media library solutions in a safe and secure environment, is adapting its platform to provide new services to fit with these new working environments.

    Within the next few weeks, the deployment of secure digital platforms, including MaestroVision, will create up to forty (40) virtual rooms to hear urgent cases that are accumulating.


    On the same path, many cities are still required to perform important council meetings to take vital public health-related decisions during the pandemic. Since it’s not possible for them to meet in the same council room,  MaestroVision, has been proactive in providing a technology that allows mayors and councillors to perform their meetings, each of them located in the comfort of their home. MaestroVision’s technology is capable of broadcasting those sessions live, simulating the same scenario that of an actual council meeting room, so residents are capable of assisting the meeting and asking questions directly from their remote location.


    Contact us for more information regarding our solutions at 1-888-424-5505 or email us at

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    MaestroVision remains open during the COVID-19 crisis.

    In connection with recent events with respect to COVID-19 and the decision of the Government of Quebec to close businesses and industries, MaestroVision, being considered an essential service provider for a large number of customers, notably municipalities, cable distributors, police departments, etc., will not close its doors and maintain operations & services as usual.

    Therefore, and while respecting the health and safety measures provided by government and public health entities, we will continue to operate at 100%.

    We wish to inform you of these new measures so you can rest assured that we will continue to provide excellent technical & customer service.


    MaestroVision is taking action to fight the coronavirus (COVID-19).

    Dear customers,

    The crisis caused by the pandemic has taken on an unprecedented scale. With confinement measures, the closure of several public places and social distancing recommendations, our lifestyle is greatly affected. More than ever, we must all ensure our safety and that of our loved ones.

    At MaestroVision, we take this pandemic seriously. Our infrastructure allows our employees to work from home. Our technical team, which already serves our customers via remote access applications, will not be affected by the current measures.

    In any case, we will redouble our efforts to ensure the good continuity of our service.

    You can still reach us by phone and email, as usual. If you need a technician on site, we will take the measures proposed by the Ministry of Public Health to protect our customers and employees, limiting contact, ensuring proper distance, while making sure  your systems are functioning properly.

    The coronavirus crisis (COVID-19) in Quebec

    On March 13, 2020, a state of health emergency was declared throughout Quebec. This exceptional measure grants the Government of Quebec the powers necessary to put in place all the measures aimed at ensuring the protection and health of the population.

    Particular attention should be paid to the elderly, especially those aged 70 and over, since they are at higher risk of death.

    If you are worried about COVID ‑ 19 or if you have symptoms like cough or fever, you can contact 418 644-4545 for the Quebec region, 514 644-4545 for the Montreal region, 450 644 -4545 for the Montérégie region, 819 644-4545 for the Outaouais region or 1 877 644-4545 (toll-free) elsewhere in Quebec.

    In addition, if you have a cough or fever:

    Do not go to a medical clinic without having received an appointment beforehand.

    If your condition allows, contact 1 877 644-4545. If you have been a return traveler for less than 14 days, please specify. You will be told how to get there and what precautions to take (wearing a mask, using personal transport or an ambulance, etc.).

    Go to the emergency room only if you have breathing difficulties (difficulty breathing when at rest or unable to breathe while lying down).

    Here are the health guidelines to ensure the safety of our customers and employees:

    • Wash your hands often with warm running water and soap for at least 20 seconds.
    • Use an alcohol-based disinfectant if you do not have access to soap and water.
    • Observe the rules of hygiene when you cough or sneeze:
    • Cover your mouth and nose with your arm to reduce the spread of germs.
    • If you use a tissue, throw it out as soon as possible and wash your hands afterwards.
    • If you are sick, avoid contact with more vulnerable people, including the elderly and people with chronic illnesses. For example, avoid visiting people in hospitals, people in long-term care shelters, or private residences.
    • Avoid direct contact for greetings, such as handshakes, and favor the use of alternative practices.

    Everyone has a role to play in reducing the risk of viruses spreading.

    Masks are not an effective protective tool for the general population. Their use is rather indicated for patients in whom an infection is suspected as well as for the health professionals who treat them. You can view the message from Dr. Horacio Arruda, National Director of Public Health in Quebec, on this subject.

    If you are worried or worried about the coronavirus, you can call 1-877-644-4545 toll free.


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    The Canadian Food Inspection Agency acquires our technology.

    Public Works and Government Services Canada has ordered nine (9) portable recording kits, equipped with MaestroVision technology, for the Canadian Food Inspection Agency – CFIA-CFIA – destined for their offices in Calgary, Guelph, Montreal and Moncton.


    In search of a fully portable, rugged, secure, easy to install, dismantle and use, as well as highly reliable and efficient system, the Government of Canada’s purchasing department has chosen our technology to equip its teams, enabling them to carry out their investigations and research in the field or in remote areas.


    MaestroVision has designed this portable kit to facilitate the work of investigators working on the road, because its dimensions are not bulky. It measures (in inches): 22 “(length) x 14” (width) x 9 “(height) and weighs 23 lb. With this case, made of the most robust material ever made for suitcases, it is possible to embark on the cabin of an airplane, while protecting the electronic equipment and the contents of the computer.



    This kit includes the following:

    1. Notebook (1)
    2. Web Cameras (2)
    3. Tripods for cameras (2)
    4. MaestroVision Recording Software: KEYSERV (1)
    5. Suitcase to carry the kit (1) dimensions: 22 “(L) x 14” (W) x 9 “(H) – weight: 23 lbs
    6. Technical support for one year (1)


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    The Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu Police Department acquires our technology.

    The Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu Police Department builds two interview rooms with MaestroVision technology, including our Recording System.


    In an effort to improve productivity, the Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu Police Department has just acquired two complete interview room systems, including our interrogation recording system (KEYSERV).


    MaestroVision’s complete solutions provide everything you need to manage your evidence. Recording, cataloging, storage, indexing and retrieval of all available digital evidence will enable the Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu Police Department to fulfill their mission: “the maintenance of peace, order and public security, with the goals of preventing, suppressing and investigating the perpetrators of violations of the law. ”

    The investment in this new 100% Quebec technology, designed and manufactured by MaestroVision, offers the possibility of indexing all the notes of the interrogations. This feature allows you to quickly find and consult a specific time in an interview, allowing investigators to save valuable time. Moreover, this system is of a disconcerting simplicity. An investigator no longer needs the services of a technician to use the system.

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    The city of L’Assomption Police Department acquires our technology.

    The L’Assomption Police Department builds an interview room with MaestroVision technology, including our Recording System.


    In an effort to improve productivity, the L’Assomption Police Department has just acquired a complete interview room system, including our interrogation recording system (KEYSERV).


    MaestroVision’s complete solutions provide everything you need to manage your evidence. Recording, cataloging, storage, indexing and retrieval of all available digital evidence will enable the L’Assomption Police Department to fulfill their mission: “the maintenance of peace, order and public security, with the goals of preventing, suppressing and investigating the perpetrators of violations of the law. ”

    The investment in this new 100% Quebec technology, designed and manufactured by MaestroVision, offers the possibility of indexing all the notes of the interrogations. This feature allows you to quickly find and consult a specific time in an interview, allowing investigators to save valuable time. Moreover, this system is of a disconcerting simplicity. An investigator no longer needs the services of a technician to use the system.

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    The Bromont Police Department acquired our technology!

    The Bromont Police Department builds an interview room with MaestroVision technology, including our Recording System.


    In an effort to improve productivity, the Bromont Police Department has just acquired a complete interview room system, including our interrogation recording system (KEYSERV).


    MaestroVision’s complete solutions provide everything you need to manage your evidence. Recording, cataloging, storage, indexing and retrieval of all available digital evidence will enable the Bromont Police Service to fulfill their mission: “the maintenance of peace, order and public security, with the goals of preventing, suppressing and investigating the perpetrators of violations of the law. ”

    The investment in this new 100% Quebec technology, designed and manufactured by MaestroVision, offers the possibility of indexing all the notes of the interrogations. This feature allows you to quickly find and consult a specific time in an interview, allowing investigators to save valuable time. Moreover, this system is of a disconcerting simplicity. An investigator no longer needs the services of a technician to use the system.

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    The Lantana Police Department, in Florida, acquired our technology.

    The Lantana Police Department, in Florida,  builds an interview room with MaestroVision’s technology, including our Recording System and Video Library.


    In a constant effort to improve its productivity, the Lantana Police Department has just acquired a filmed interview room solution including MaestroVision’s Interview Recording System (KEYSERV), the Video Library (VEOTEK) along with a touch screen monitor, a ptz camera (pan-tilt-zoom (PTZ) camera is a specialized camera that can change direction and zoom in and out) and a custom-designed desk to fit ergonomically all the recording equipment.

    MaestroVision’s complete solutions provide all you need to manage your evidence. From recording, cataloguing, storing, indexing and retrieval of all digital evidence available.

    MaestroVision’s solutions will help the Lantana Police Department in fulfilling their mission, as they are “committed to the delivery of courteous, professional law enforcement and community services to the citizens of Lantana and providing professional police service, while maintaining our small town values and atmosphere.”


    Lantana Police Department
    901 North 8th Street, Lantana, FL 33462, USA

    Sergeant  Jim Eddy and Chief Sean Scheller, both stationed at the Lantana Police Department, are absolutely impressed with the quality of our recordings.

    “MaestroVision’s solutions are user-friendly and very easy to learn as they require little or no training to get started. We are pleased with your services and look forward to using our newly installed systems!”

    Detective Sergeant Jim Eddy; Jill Shelton, Audio & Video specialist at MaestroVision; Chief Sean Scheller

    The investment in this new 100% made in Quebec technology, designed and manufactured by MaestroVision, offers the possibility of indexing all notes with interrogations. This feature makes it possible to find and quickly review a specific moment in an interrogation, hence saving valuable time to the investigators. Moreover, this system is of a disconcerting simplicity. It is no longer necessary for an investigator to use the services of a technician to use the system.

    Sergeant Jim Eddy was excited to explain how, during a recent interview, he was able to use the zoom feature to capture cell-phone evidence and use the touch screen to play videos to a suspect being interviewed. In the short time they’ve had MaestroVision technology, they’ve already seen a significant increase in the quality of evidence Lantana Police Department can collect during interviews.

    The investment in this new technology, designed and manufactured by MaestroVision, offers the possibility of indexing all notes with interrogations. This feature makes it possible to find and quickly review a specific moment in an interrogation, hence saving valuable time to the investigators.

    For more information about our solutions, call us at 1-888-424-5505.

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    Maestrovision announces a great improvement for Quebec’s Courtroom Clerks!


    In order to facilitate the courtroom clerks’ work, MaestroVision has developed a gateway with the ACCEO application, which is mainly used by Quebec municipalities.

    This gateway is used to synchronize information between the “ACCEO MUNICIPAL” software and the “KEYSERV Audio” trial recording software from MaestroVision.

    Now, thanks to the intercommunication between these softwares, it is no longer necessary to enter the relevant information at each trial because it is done automatically from a data import module, from the ACCEO platform to the “KEYSERV Audio” trial recorder.

    Many municipal courts in Quebec already benefit from this revolution and the benefits are countless:

    • Standardization of information across platforms
    • Optimization of information management
    • Reduced risk of error
    • Reduced Time Waste
    • Improved record search
    • Reduced stress-related to information processing during the proceedings

    Come see us!

    To find out more, come and meet us at our next annual meeting of the Association of Municipal Court Clerks of Quebec, at the Georgesville Hotel, from October 9 to 11, 2019.


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    Josh Astle, Executive Director, Special Olympics New Brunswick; Jean-Guy Lalonde, audio/video specialist at Maestrovision.

    MaestroVision donates to the New Brunswick Special Olympics.

    Josh Astle, Executive Director, Special Olympics New Brunswick; Jean-Guy Lalonde, audio/video specialist at Maestrovision.

    MaestroVision donates to the New Brunswick Special Olympics.

    In an effort to give back to the community, MaestroVision is donating $ 500.00 to the Special Olympics, through the New Brunswick Association of Chiefs of Police, to support young athletes with intellectual disabilities.

    Special Olympics

    To learn more about Special Olympics, please visit their website:


    New Brunswick Association of Chiefs of Police

    To learn more about the New Brunswick Association of Chiefs of Police, please visit their website:


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